Prof. Azy Barak

Department of Counseling and Human Development

University of Haifa

Azy Barak

References Related to the Internet & Psychology

Online Shopping Behavior

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Chang, C.-C. (2008). Choice, perceived control, and customer satisfaction: The psychology of online service recovery. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11, 321-328.

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Chang, H. H., & Chen, S. W. (2008). The impact of customer interface quality, satisfaction and switching costs on e-loyalty: Internet experience as a moderator. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, p.2927-p.2944.

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Chang, H. H., & Wang, H.-W. (2011). The moderating effect of customer perceived value on online shopping behaviour. Online Information Review, 35, 333-359.

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Chen, H.-L. (2009). Consumer risk perception and addictive consumption behavior. Social Behavior & Personality, 37, 767-780.

Chen, I.-C., & Hu, S.-C. (2012). Gender differences in shoppers’ behavioural reactions to ultra-low price tags at online merchants. Electronic Commerce Research, 12, 485-504.

Chen, J. V., Ross, W. H., Yen, D. C., & Akhapon, L. (2009). The effect of types of banner ad, web localization, and customer involvement on Internet users' attitudes. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 12, 71-73.

Chen, M., Ma, Q., Li, M., Dai, S., Wang, X., & Shu, L. (2010). The neural and psychological basis of herding in purchasing books online: An event related potential study. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 13, 321-328.

Chen, M.-F., & Lu, T.-Y. (2011). Modeling e-coupon proneness as a mediator in the extended TPB model to predict consumers' usage intentions. Internet Research, 21, 508-526.

Chen, S.-H., & Lee, K.-P. (2008). The role of personality traits and perceived values in persuasion: An elaboration likelihood model perspective on online shopping. Social Behavior and Personality, 36, 1379-1400.

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Chen, Y.-C., Shang, R.-A., & Kao, C.-Y. (2009). The effects of information overload on consumers’ subjective state towards buying decision in the Internet shopping environment. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8, 48-58.

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Chen, Y.-Y. (2012). Why do consumers go Internet shopping again? Understanding the antecedents of repurchase intention. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 22, 38-63.

Cheng, F.-F., Wu, C.-S., & Lin, H.-H. (2014). Reducing the influence of framing on Internet consumers’ decisions: The role of elaboration. Computers in Human Behavior, 37, 56-63.

Cheng, F. F.,  Wu, C. S., & Yen, D. C. (2009). The effect of online store atmosphere on consumer's emotional responses: An experimental study of music and colour. Behaviour & Information Technology, 28, 323-334.

Cheng, H.-H., & Huang, S.-W. (2013). Exploring antecedents and consequence of online group-buying intention: An extended perspective on theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Information Management, 33, 185-198.

Cheung, C. M. K., Lee, M. K. O., & Rabjohn, N. (2008). The impact of electronic word-of-mouth: The adoption of online opinions in online customer communities. Internet Research, 18, 229-247.

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Chiagouris, L., & Ray, I. (2010). Customers on the web are not all created equal: The moderating role of Internet shopping experience. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 20, 251-271.

Chiang, I.-P., & Hsieh, C.-H. (2011). Exploring impacts of blog marketing on consumers. Social Behavior and Personality, 39, 1245-1250.

Chinchanachokchai, S., Duff, B. R., & Sar, S. (2015). The effect of multitasking on time perception, enjoyment, and ad evaluation. Computers in Human Behavior, 45, 185-191.

Chiou, J.-S., & Ting, C.-C. (2011). Will you spend more money and time on Internet shopping when the product and situation are right? Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 203-208.

Chiu, C.-M., Chang, C.-C., Cheng, H.-L., & Fang, Y.-H. (2009). Determinants of customer repurchase intention in online shopping. Online Information Review, 33, 761-784.

Chiu, C.-M., Lin, H.-Y., Sun, S.-Y., & Hsu, M.-H. (2009). Understanding customers' loyalty intentions towards online shopping: An integration of technology acceptance model and fairness theory. Behaviour & Information Technology, 28, 347-360.

Chiu, S.-P., Chou, H.-W., & Chiu, C.-M. (2013). The antecedents of buyers’ perceived justice in online markets. CyberPsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 16, 536-542.

Chiou, J.-S., & Pan, L.-Y. (2009). Antecedents of Internet retailing loyalty: Differences between heavy versus light shoppers. Journal of Business & Psychology, 24, 327-339.

Cho, C., Kang, L., & Cheon, H. J. (2006). Online shopping hesitation. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 9, 261-274.

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Claes, L., Muller, A., Norre, J., Van Assche, L., Wonderlich, S., & Mitchell, J. E. (2012). The relationship among compulsive buying, compulsive Internet use and temperament in a sample of female patients with eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 20, 126-131.

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Crespo, A. H., del Bosque, I. R., & de los Salmones Sa´nchez, M. M. G. (2009). The influence of perceived risk on Internet shopping behavior: A multidimensional perspective. Journal of Risk Research, 12, 259-277.

Darley, W. K., Blankson, C., & Luethge, D. J. (2010). Toward an Integrated framework for online consumer behavior and decision making process: A review. Psychology & Marketing, 27, 94-116.

Das, S., Echambadi, R., McCardle, M., Luckett, M. (2003). The effect of interpersonal trust, need for cognition, and social loneliness on shopping, information seeking and surfing on the Web. Marketing Letters, 14, 185-202.

Delafrooz, N., Paim, L. H., Haron, S. H., Sidin, S. M., & Khatibi, A. (2009). Factors affecting students’ attitude toward online shopping. African Journal of Business Management, 3, 200-209.

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